Wedding Invitations!


Introducing, our wedding invitations!

It was quite the process. From choosing the designs to choosing the wording, Ali hand lettering each envelope, to finally the 8 part assembly process. It’s both a bit exciting and unnerving to say it’s done.
I should also mention that I had very little to do with the decisions. My fiance, Ali killed it on this project!
We ordered our invitations through Jupiter and Juno. They do this really cool thing each month where they send out 3, 50% off codes for their Product of the Month. We were lucky enough to get 1 of those 3 codes when we ordered ours! If you don’t receive one of the codes, they also offer codes for 30% off as well. Huge budget helper!


Check out Jupiter and Juno by clicking here


Crescent Park, French Quarter Engagement Session | Bailee & Ryan